Written by Deb del Villar, Director of Communications
“The B.I.B.L.E., yes that’s the book for me…” I don’t know about you, but that is one of my main prayers for my grandchildren. I want the Bible to be a priority in their lives. I want them to stand on the truths of Scripture no matter what may come. I also desire to help them in this endeavor.
This month, in our 2025 Grandparenting Planner, one of the suggestions is to choose a devotion or Bible study book for your children and grandchildren. The hope and prayer is that studying together will spark faith conversations with your family this year.
Think about how to share the Bible in ways that are educational but also fun, enjoyable, and age-appropriate. Many translations of the Bible are available as well as devotionals too numerous to count. So how do you choose?
Below you will find some helpful principles to keep in mind plus a list of ideas:
1. Biblical Accuracy Is Essential.
Whether you are reading from a children’s picture Bible or storybook or studying a theological topic with the oldest grandchild, priority one is choosing a biblically accurate and sound resource.
Be alert for partial truths or outright falsehoods. Go to trusted sources and read reviews. Ask your pastoral leadership and friends for ideas as well. Even better, go through it first and examine it yourself.
2. The Focus is on God/Jesus.
Legacy Coalition exists so that our grandchildren and their grandchildren follow Christ. As grandparents, that is our heart as well.
Look at resources with a discerning eye and heart – will it help your grandchild come to know, love, and serve Christ more? See if the book or devotional consistently points them to Jesus and their relationship with Him.
One great children’s book is My Wish of All Wishes by Larry Fowler. It shares our heart’s desire that we want our grandchildren in heaven with us!
3. It Draws the Grandchild In.
Search for books and devotionals that will be of interest to your grandchildren. Depending on their age, look for bright, colorful graphics as well as rich content. Is the topic something they would like to pursue?
My grandchildren love animals. When they were young, we used several devotionals that were about God’s amazing creation of unique animals. We also read lots of books to them. Some of our grandchildren’s favorites were: Forever Falls by Glen Keane (part of the Adam Raccoon series) and Halfway Herbert by Francis Chan (he has several great books for kids). Additional ideas are listed at the end of this post.
As my grandchildren got older, we sought to challenge them and make them think deeper. We read The Chronicles of Narnia books and watched the videos. This led to great conversations and correlations with the Biblical account. We studied more of C.S. Lewis’s books like Mere Christianity with the high school and college-bound grandchildren.
We also discussed cultural issues and the response as Christians to help equip them for conversation with peers and others. We used A Student’s Guide to Culture by John Stonestreet and Brett Kunkle.
4. It Moves Them From Reading to Studying.
As your grandchildren mature and grow, transition from just reading to actually studying the Word together. Choose a devotional or a passage of Scripture you want to study. You can work on it together or separately. If done separately, get together in person or by Marco Polo and share insights gleaned. The bonus is you will also be getting to know them better as they get to know God better.
You can help equip your grandkids with a lifelong study skill that will serve them well. Share how to use a study Bible, concordance, dictionary, and other resources. Consider purchasing these for them or showing them how to use an online resource like Blue Letter Bible app. One of our older teens asked for a study Bible for Christmas this year, and we researched to choose the best fit for him.
These special times of sharing the Bible together can have a tremendous influence on your grandchild’s life as well as your relationship with them. The potential to impact their lives here on Earth is enough of a reason to share God’s Word, but think longer term to eternity. We must fulfill our multigenerational responsibility to teach.
More Resource Ideas to Share
- Bibles – Choose age-appropriate versions, anywhere from a picture Bible to a study Bible.
- Devotionals – These exist for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, pre-readers, new readers, and all the way up to adults. Use Google searches to find lots of choices.
- Tiny Theologians has great resources for the youngest to age 14.
- Books to read to younger grandkids:
- I Love My Bible by Debby Anderson
- The Lord’s Prayer for Little Ones by Debby Anderson
- The Ten Commandments for Little Ones by Debby Anderson
- His Grace is Enough by Melissa Kruger
- Wherever You Go, I Want You to Know by Melissa Kruger
- Big Truths for Little Kids by Susan Hunt and Richie Hunt
- God’s Wisdom for Little Boys by Jim & Elizabeth George
- God’s Wisdom for Little Girls by Elizabeth George
- The Squire and the Scroll by Jennie Bishop
- Not Consumed has studies on various topics like siblings and the power of words.
- Books to read and discuss together:
- Lies Girls Believe by Dannah Gresh
- True Girl Bible studies by Dannah Gresh
- How Great is Our God: 100 Indescribable Devotions About God and Science by Louie Giglio, Tama Fortner
- Tweens Devotions by Kay Arthur
- Lies Young Women Believe by Nancy Leigh DeMoss Wolgemuth
- The Ology: Ancient Truths, Ever New by Marty Machowski
- Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliot
- Books by R.C. Sproul
- Honey for a Child’s Heart by Gladys Hunt – Includes listings of good books by age
- Generous Kids Book Bundle – Teaching series of books on Christian values
[1] Article from Crosswalk – https://www.crosswalk.com/family/parenting/best-bible-study-recommendations-for-kids-of-each-age-group.html
3 thoughts on “How to Share the Bible With Your Grandkids”
Please be careful what resources you list. The Jesus Calling series by Sarah Young delves into New Age thought and practices. Please see Justin Peters ministries and Doreen Virtue (a former medium and psychic who is well versed in this topic and is now a believer in Christ). They discuss the issues with these books.
Focus on the Family Adventures in Odyssey series and Chuck Swindoll Paws and Tails audio series are great for younger children and can jumpstart conversations around Biblical truths.
Thank you for your concern.
The Legacy Coalition Store offers 320 Bibles for all ages as well as Bible story books and resources: https://legacy.churchgrowth.org/?s=bible&post_type=product