Written by Judy Douglass, Author, Blogger, and Podcaster
The adults and kids in our Texas family love to ski, which calls for an annual visit to Colorado. Steve and I were invited along to help with the baby, who isn’t skiing yet—we said yes.
Every morning Steve drove the gang over to the slopes and came back to make phone calls and help me. This kid is almost always happy, even joyful, and delightfully engaging, so we had fun. Though every half hour he toddled to the front door, teared up, and cried, “Mama!”
On the last day, he missed her most and was tired from not enough sleep. So I picked him up—a challenge for my weak lungs at 10,000 feet—and snuggled him close. I sang to him, talked to him, prayed for him. And experienced a bit of heaven as he slept in my arms for 1 ½ hours.
Grace. Joy. And so much more.
The boys recounted how many black diamonds they conquered. The preschool wonder girl completed two days of ski school and rode the “flying chairs” so she could ski down the bunny hill with Mom and Dad.
Evenings with our grandboys included Connect 4 and chess. Reading to the little ones. Watching old Full House shows and football games. One day, the Denver cousins came to visit and sledding and snowman-building ensued. And a birthday celebration at a Pho restaurant—we took over the whole place.
And for me, the grace came again as I had brief chats with each grandkid—listening to their desires and concerns and sharing words of affirmation, encouragement, and hope. Scripture admonitions and assurances. Prayer for them.
I am sure that part of God’s continuing calling on my life is to invest well in the lives of our grandchildren. That includes giving gifts that keep giving. Fun times, telling stories, playing games. But most of all the grace flows in sweet conversations and in faithful praying.
Editor’s Note: Need help starting conversations with the grandchildren? Check out the Legacy Coalition Let’s Talk Cards here! There are versions for all ages even the adult grandchildren. Also, our 2024 Grandparenting Planner has great ideas and activities along with a place to record those small yet impactful moments.
Judy Douglass is a writer, speaker, and encourager. She has been on staff with Cru for more than 50 years, currently directing Women’s Resources. Her latest book is When You Love a Prodigal. You can find more about her at www.judydouglass.com.