Lasting Gifts for Your Grandkids

Written by Roxy Wiley, Author of DIY Camp Grandma

“I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you spiritual wisdom and revelation in your growing knowledge of him.” Ephesians 1:17 NET Bible

What a verse for our grandchildren! This is one of many we have prayed through the past fifty-plus years as God’s Word has steadily soaked into our hearts and lives.

In addition to God’s Word, we discovered significant books by thoughtful, godly authors whose insight and wisdom we continue to treasure.

Gifting Books to Older Grandkids

A natural extension of our reading became a desire to draw our “almost adult” grandchildren into our bookshelves; therefore, we began gifting a book to each grandchild at Christmas and on special occasions.

Our intent is for our grandkids to read these “gems” and add them to their personal library. We hope and pray our annual presents give our grandchildren a foundation to shelter their faith as they journey through faith as adults.

The criteria for our book choices include one or more of the following:

  1. A book that prompted us to shift our thinking towards deeper faith.
  2. A book that gave us great comfort and wisdom.
  3. A book considered a timeless treasure in the Christian community.
  4. A book that would be a helpful read in our grandchildren’s adulthood.

Examples of Books

Here’s a sampling of our gift selections thus far:

Hidden in Christ by James Bryan Smith, published in 2013, is a deeper sort of devotional based around memorizing and studying Colossians 3:1-17. Each of the 30 chapters focuses on one primary truth from these verses. What a great book!

Knowing God by J. I. Packer was first published in 1973. Voted as one of the top 50 books that shaped evangelicals, readers discover the difference between knowing about God and knowing God through the person of Jesus Christ. There is much to ponder in this classic.

Letters from a Skeptic: A Son Wrestles with His Father’s Questions about Christianity by Dr. Gregory A. Boyd is a publication from 2008 that features letters from a son, a new believer, to his father, a longtime agnostic. It addresses many of the big questions/objections to Christianity.

Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis was first published in 1952. It’s a thoughtful introduction to the Christian faith as Lewis gives a straightforward look into his adult conversion. It’s a masterpiece!

Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence is a fascinating peek into the 17th-century mind and heart of a devoted follower of Christ who seeks to honor God as he washes dishes as well as when he worships.

Seeking God: Finding Another Kind of Life with St. Ignatius and Dallas Willard by Trevor Hudson is a 2022 publication. This book represents a toolbox of practical ways to seek God in our fallen, struggling world. It offers support and encouragement to encounter the living God.

Tyranny of the Urgent by Charles E. Hummel is a small IVP booklet we discovered during our college years. It has been revised, expanded, and republished in many forms since it was first printed in the 1970s. A quick read, this gem gives sound guidance and wisdom about intentional living.

What’s So Amazing About Grace? by Philip Yancey surfaced in 1997 by Zondervan Publishing. The book elaborates on examples of grace in Bible stories, the author’s life, historical events, and more. We love everything written by Yancey, but the truths about grace in this book brought us to tears of gratitude. (Please note: this book opens with an adult topic we decided was better left until college years or after.)


What books, besides the Bible, have influenced your faith in a significant way? What books stick in your mind as memorable?

I hope I have persuaded you to consider establishing a book gift habit as part of your legacy.

“One generation will praise your deeds to another and tell about your mighty acts!” Psalm 145:5 NET Let’s be a generation that intentionally passes on truths of God’s faithfulness!

Roxy Wiley retired from teaching elementary school after twenty-five years and then served as the director of women’s ministry at her church. Throughout both careers, she designed and wrote many newsletters, handbooks, manuals, and articles. A proud and loving grandma of five grandchildren, she’s passionate about her family’s yearly Camp Grandma and coaching other grandparents to launch their own brand of family fun. Roxy and her husband live near Indianapolis, IN, and love to travel in their motor home!

9 thoughts on “Lasting Gifts for Your Grandkids”

  1. Bette Jo Nienhuis

    What rich resources! Even if the grandchildren don’t open the books immediately after receiving them, they have treasures that will speak to them during times of need. Thanks for sharing from your growth journeys.

  2. I would be careful about the book by Dr. Boyd. As his theology has shifted over the years, only the more mature and Biblically well-grounded will be able to discern where he is espousing that God isn’t omniscient or have foreknowledge of the future.

  3. Bette Jo Nienhuis

    Excellent idea! Even if the grandchildren don’t open the books immediately, they have great resources for a future time of their life.

    1. I found that my kids went through phases and often migrated from phones to books which are so beautiful, impactful and tangible.

      AND, start them at a young age by reading to them and they learn to love books and reading, just like you…

  4. The Legacy Coalition Online Store offers over 150 Bibles, books and resources for Grandparents to give to Grandchildren, presented in order of most popular, you will find them here:

    My personal favorites which I read with my 3 Children and which I look forward to reading with my Grandchildren are…

    Preparing for Adolesence by Dr. James Dobson

    Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis

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