The parents of our grandchildren have a great responsibility parenting our grandchildren in these insecure, unstable times we live in. In today’s broken world, we see the family unit very fragile living in the midst of a busy and evil environment filled with many moral and spiritual battles. Young families are busy with their jobs, and find many distractions in their marriages, parenting and responsibilities.
In John 10:10 we read that Jesus said to his disciples, “The thief comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have abundant life.” The enemy is determined and relentless to distract and steal the faith of our grandchildren and their parents as our media-driven culture has pushed the boundaries of right and wrong. The movies, music, TV, video games, and Internet are desensitizing our grandchildren. They are also faced with legal recreational marijuana, other drugs, sex trafficking, alcohol, sexual identity confusion, homosexuality, pornography, pre-martial sex and more.
Grandparents need to intentionally pray the parents will not be distracted and overwhelmed by the influence of a culture hostile to the truth. The enemy is watching for vulnerable spots and the unguarded doors of each of our hearts. Standing in the gap, praying for the spiritual, emotional and physical protection of these who are under attack. It’s imperative to pray God will give their parents wisdom and time management in their monumental task of guiding our grandchildren in the ways of the Lord.
To pray effectively, we need to know their frustrations, fears, concerns, and expectations the parents have for our grandchildren. Ask them, “What are the issues you are dealing with and how can we pray for you?”
When I don’t know how to pray for my grandchildren and/or their parents I ask the Holy Spirit to intercede for me. The Holy Spirit knows their needs, so I ask him to intercede for me according to God’s will (see Romans 8:26). This keeps me from giving God my agenda of how to answer my prayers and comforts me to know I can put my concerns in God’s hands instead of carrying them myself.
Often, my prayers aren’t answered on my timetable, in waiting God does amazing things, both in my life and in the lives of my grandchildren and their parents. However, God will acknowledge our intercessory prayers and answer them at just the right time.
According to God’s Word, praying for our grandchildren and their parents should be a high priority for grandparents. Therefore, be intentional about your prayers. Pray the parents of your grandchildren will experience the abundant life Jesus offers, and join with you in passing it on to their children so they will follow Jesus.
Prayer for my Grandchildren’s parents
Dear Lord, I want to thank you for the parents of my grandchildren.
I pray you will help them to value my grandchildren
in the same way You value them.
I pray they will commit to the responsibility You have given them to teach
their children to love You and live
according to your parenting manual, God’s Word.
May my grandchildren see their home and family as a “safe place.”
Help them to be fair and understand my grandchildren as You understand us.
Pour out your Spirit upon my them as they parent my dear grandchildren.
May God bless them richly as they grandparent with a purpose.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.