It’s time for grandparent warriors to raise a shout and carry the light of Christ to our grandchildren. It’s time we utilize the greatest weapon in our arsenal; it’s time we exercise the Power of Prayer!
Have you heard of the Grandparents’ Day of Prayer? This day is scheduled to coincide with National Grandparents’ Day, September 11, 2016.
We are asking grandparents to link arms in prayer for their grandchildren. We are encouraging them to organize events in churches, homes, retirement complexes, etc.
Christian Grandparenting Network is prepared to provide step-by-step guidelines, resources and online tools for creating successful events.
Please check www.grandparentsdayofpraye
For additional information, contact Lillian Penner, lpenner@christiangrandpare
1 thought on “Grandparents, Warriors or Both?”
Can one register to get a recording of the summit? It isn’t offered near me.