Legacy Coalition seeks to envision, encourage, and equip intentional Christian grandparents through the local church. This is done through our resources and events that help the local church recruit, support, and lead their grandparenting ministry. Legacy Coalition is blessed with passionate and dedicated servants, our most important resource. The Church Division of Legacy Coalition is made up of individuals or couples who are advocates, ambassadors, friends, and pastors. How can each help you? Let’s explore each one a little more.
Legacy Church Advocates
These advocates are intentional Christian grandparents who start and lead their own grandparent ministry for their church. Maybe you are one who is seeking to start a new ministry or add a grandparenting focus to a current senior ministry in your church – you would be a church advocate. Next you might be thinking what do I do? What are the best practices to get started right and strong and be sustainable? Let’s learn a little about our ambassadors who are here to help you answer those questions.
Legacy Coalition Ambassadors
Our ambassadors are intentional Christian grandparents that help start a grandparent ministry, acting as an experienced equipped resource, for a church other than their own. They come alongside a new or existing grandparenting ministry as the link between the local church and Legacy Coalition – ‘boots on the ground’ so to speak. They are ready and available to serve. Ambassadors reach out through the National Grandparenting Summit, Grandparenting Matters seminars, GRAND Monday Nights, and various other ways as churches contact Legacy Coalition. They also seek to reach out to existing and new grandparenting ministries to update them on upcoming events and resources. Please contact them at ambassadors@legacycoalition.com .
Legacy Coalition Pastors Division
We are also blessed with a group of 17 godly, gifted, and proven leaders who make up our Pastors Division. This group is led by Bill Parkinson and George Posthumus, both well respected and loved pastors, with well over 80 years of combined preaching and teaching. The pastors are available to speak around the country (in person or virtually) on the importance of passing on your faith. Each is compelled by this eye-opening and heart-pounding vision. They desire to help you – the local church – as you seek to instill this same passion in your grandparents. See who they are and how to contact them at https://legacycoalition.com/speakers-bureau/. The pastors join with the Ambassadors in helping share the vision and start more grandparenting ministries around North America.
Legacy Coalition Friends
Lastly, we do not want to forget our friends. A friend of Legacy is an intentional Christian grandparent that seeks and seizes opportunities to tell others about intentional Christian grandparenting as well as the Legacy Coalition.
The hope and prayer of our Church Division is to equip you, the individual grandparent, in the local church so you can fulfill your God-given calling as a legacy builder and disciple-maker in your family. Your adult children as well as the grandchildren will benefit from your example. You will be equipped to help them see what a grandparent is called to do by God.
Personal Story
Here’s a story of how the Church Division of Legacy Coalition has played out in one couple’s life.
About two years ago, Rick and Sue, went to visit a nearby church’s grandparenting group, having been invited by friends. Sue was excited, Rick was apprehensive. While there they realized they did not have to be perfect grandparents with perfect families to still have a positive influence. It was confirmed to them that they were not alone – others were struggling too! That night, they caught the vision for starting a grandparenting ministry.
They listened to Larry Fowler, the Founder of Legacy Coalition, and followed the six-step plan developed to start a grandparenting ministry. Rick and Sue found several couples who were interested in helping. Each came with their own set of gifts and soon they held their first meeting. Rick and Sue became Legacy Coalition Advocates for their church.
Over the next year, Rick and Sue loved being advocates but God was calling them to something bigger. Through a series of circumstances, Rick and Sue were asked to be the Directors of the Ambassador Program. After much prayer, Rick and Sue said yes and have been serving now for just over a year. They cherish the ministry to the other ambassadors as well as with Legacy Coalition. Rick and Sue desire to help grandparents move from being good grandparents to being intentional Christian grandparents. A shift that they believe strongly in and love helping others embrace.
Rick and Sue report that there are 33 ambassadors located in 14 of our USA states. They realize that most grandparents are missing important opportunities to pass on their faith to their grandchildren. These ambassadors are equipped and ready to help you grow in your biblical role through Legacy Coalition resources and events, so you can have a greater spiritual impact on your families. Rick and Sue’s heart desire is that “Together, we see the potential for discipleship in the grandparent role, and let’s do something about it.” Contact Rick and Sue Beeney at rickb@legacycoalition.com. They are ready and waiting to help.
2 thoughts on “Equipped to Help You – Ready to Serve”
We are grandparents to seven from two different sets of divorced parents. Our two adult children were raised in the church and nurtured in Christ but have strayed. They refuse to have a relationship with us, but the inlaws still talk and let us see the grands. Our daughter’s youngest daughter, 9, has been coached to not let us talk about God to her so spiritual influence is very tenuous. We would love any suggestions you may have to be able to have a Godly influence on her. Would you have any suggestions, besides prayer, about how to approach her?
Thank you for connecting with us. I am so sorry this is your story but know you are not alone. One thing I have found helpful is to continue to have a relationship as much as you can with her. Honor the parents wishes and do not start conversations about God with her. Of course if she asks then the door is open to share. Read your Bible, pray before meals, do all the things you normally do when she is with you. Hopefully in time, God through your strong loving, nurturing relationship with her, will open the door for you to share.
Another thing I have heard grandparents do, is to start a journal for the grandchild. In it, they are recording their thoughts, their prayers, their faith journey, scripture they are praying for the child, etc. The dated journal entries should be positive and uplifting not disrespecting the parents wishes. This journal will be available for the child to read when the opportunity comes. Do not get discouraged and lose hope- We love and serve a God who can do anything!
May God work as only He can!