Choose to Be an Intentional Christian Grandparent who Trusts God

Recently I wrote about trust, and what it looks like for my grandsons to learn to trust God by trusting me and my love for them. But, as I read in 1 and 2 Peter today I was challenged to think about what it looks like for grandparents to trust God. To really, sincerely trust Him.

The world we live in is at times frightening. At other times there is a fair amount of uncertainty as we wonder what things will be like for our grandchildren as they grow up in a world which is increasingly moving farther and farther away from God.

I know there is nothing which is more important to me than to be able to see my grandsons choose to love, know and walk with God. How could anything else be more important?

It can be too easy for us to think no one cares as much as we do about our grandchildren choosing to love, know and walk with God; and may even think God does not care as much as we do, but nothing can be further from the truth. God does care. He cares the most; even more than we do.

So, when it comes to my grandsons choosing to love, know and follow God in a world which is increasingly moving farther and farther away from God, I have to make two important decisions.

  1. Trust God. Yes… I must trust God. I need to trust Him when He says in His Word how much He loves the world – and yes, my grandchildren are part of this world God loves! I need to trust Him when He says in 1 Peter 5 I’m to “cast my cares on Him” – and this includes my cares about my grandsons choosing to love, know and follow God in this world which does not make this choice. Why am I to cast my cares on Him (which, by the way is all about trusting Him!)?Well, look at 1 Peter 5:7 – Cast your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.”A simple, short, wonderful verse! I can give to God all my anxiety, cares, concerns, because He cares for, loves me! That’s trust. I can do it because He loves my grandchildren ever so much more than even I do!I need to make the choice to trust God with my most precious grandchildren – and is there anyone more trustworthy? Anyone who loves them more? Of course not!
  2. Take my God-given responsibility seriously. I need to be an Intentional Christian Grandparent. Yes, I absolutely trust God, but this does not mean I sit back, put my feet up, enjoy a glass of tea, and do nothing. No. Not at all. I have a God-given responsibility to pass on a heritage of faith to my grandchildren, so I will absolutely trust God with them and point my grandchildren to Jesus, pray regularly and faithfully for them and help them know and remember God!

I have to say, it is a wonderful relief to know I can truly trust God with my grandchildren and experience the joy of being an Intentional Christian Grandparent – yes, both are very wonderful indeed!


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