About Us

We Believe:

Grandparents are incredibly important to their grandkids. They are uniquely positioned to spiritually influence their grandkids. And they have a Biblical mandate to do so.

There are approximately 30 million grandparents in the U.S. Each one is a potential influence in the lives of their grandchildren. Most Christians would agree, but so little is being done to challenge and equip them.

Legacy Coalition is here to encourage churches to minister to grandparents as they encourage and influence their grandchildren. Our desire is for grandparents to look beyond the pleasures of the retirement culture and invest in the lives of their grandchildren. 

Legacy Coalition raises the importance of grandparenting through training, discussion, seminars and webinars as well as recommended resources shared by ministry partners. Legacy Coalition is committed to elevating grandparenting above the larger seniors ministries of the church today.

Yes, the grandparenting relationship has incredible potential for discipleship. Legacy Coalition wants grandparents to reap the rewards of their ministry to their grandkids.

Legacy Coalition Sees the Need

The Potential

Grandparents with incredible potential to influence the next generation — and a Biblical mandate to do it — are generally overlooked, under-resourced, ignored, and mislabeled.

Biblical Pattern

Christian grandparents are to influence multiple generations for Christ.

A Great Need

Grandparents themselves often lack vision, need support and community, or don’t know of tools which can help.

A New Course

We believe it is time to chart a new course — to engage this incredible potential by envisioning, encouraging, and equipping grandparents — through ministries in the local church.

What We Do

The Dream

To know that our legacy of faith in Jesus Christ will outlive us in our grandchildren and the generations that follow.

The Vision

To build a coalition of ministries that champion intentional, Christ-like grandparenting.

The Mission

To be a platform for coalition ministries to engage the Church in the task of envisioning and equipping grandparents to impact future generations who know, love and serve Christ.

Our Beliefs

We hold to the Statement of Faith as adopted by the National Association of Evangelicals.

Read it here >

What Others Are Saying

“I want to encourage grandparents to invest themselves in the spiritual lives of their grandchildren. What more important thing could you do in those years of life than getting to know them and talking to them about the Lord? With that in mind, Legacy Coalition is a ministry that exists to equip and encourage grandparents in the role that God would have them play.”

James Dobson

Host of Family Talk, Christian author, Founder of Focus on the Family

“The Legacy Coalition is pioneering an initiative to equip the Church for a new frontier of ministry: connecting grandparents and grandchildren.”

Ken Canfield

Founder of the National Center for Fathering Author, 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers

You Can Help Support This Vision

Financial Stewardship

Legacy Coalition recognizes that our financial donations are sent by people committed to furthering the vision of intentional Christian Grandparenting. We are committed to being good stewards of the resources that have been graciously donated to us.

Part of our obligation of good stewardship is accountability in our financial practices. We follow standards established by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and the Internal Revenue Service. In accordance with that objective, our Federal 990 report is attached below.

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This online event is hosted on Grand Monday Nights, a weekly webinar. You can cancel anytime.

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